Sunday, January 19, 2014

Macro tempa npc - refine equip npc

macro nempa {

$bahan = Shield [1]

# Ganti Dengan dibawah ini apabila bukan nempa armor

# Shield : $step = c r2 c r0 c n

# Jubah : $step = c r4 c r0 c n

# Alas Kaki : $step = c c r5 r0 c n

# Headgear : $step = c c r8 r0 c n

$step = c r4 c r0 c n

# Ganti Dengan dibawah ini apabila bukan nempa armor

# Shield : $step2 = c r2 c r0 c c r0 c n

# Jubah : $step2 = c r4 c r0 c c r0 c n

# Alas Kaki : $step2 = c r5 c r0 c c r0 c n

# Headgear : $step2 = c r8 c r0 c c r0 c n

$step2 = c r2 c r0 c c r0 c n

do conf autoTalkCont 0

do move 60 64

do sit


$doom = @inventory($bahan)

if ($doom == -1) goto six

if (@inventory(Elunium) == -1) goto exit

do eq @inventory($bahan)

$i = 0

while ($i < 4) as begin

do talknpc 63 60 $step


end begin

pause 15

do talknpc 63 60 $step2

goto five


if (@inventory(+5 $bahan) == -1) goto eight

if (@inventory(Elunium) == -1) goto exit

pause 90

do eq @inventory(+5 $bahan)

do talknpc 63 60 $step2

goto six


if (@inventory(+6 $bahan) == -1) goto eight

if (@inventory(Elunium) == -1) goto exit

pause 270

do eq @inventory(+6 $bahan)

do talknpc 63 60 $step2

goto seven


if (@inventory(+7 $bahan) == -1) goto exit

if (@inventory(Elunium) == -1) goto exit

pause 810

do eq @inventory(+7 $bahan)

do talknpc 63 60 $step2

goto eight


do conf autoTalkCont 1

log -- Refine Macro End --



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