Sunday, January 19, 2014

Macro Auto Invite Guild

#yang dimerahin = sesuaikan seleramu
#yang dibiruin = tergantung pakai openkore bahasa inggris / indonesia

automacro Pub {

console /You are not a guildmaster./

call {

pause 2

do chat create "Guild R> All Job masuk ketik info" 2 0

do look 4



automacro info {

pubm /info/i

exclusive 1

call {

do c halo kami dari Guild R> All Job 3 130++

do c untuk bergabung dengan Guild ketik: join



automacro terima {

console /Target telah menerima./i

exclusive 1

call {

do c selamat bergabung :)



automacro Gagal {

console /Target sudah berada dalam sebuah Guild./i

exclusive 1

call {

do c Anda sudah bergabung dengan sebuah guild

do c silahkan leave guild dan relog

do c lalu masuk pub lagi dan ketik: join



automacro penuh {

console /Guild anda penuh./i

exclusive 1

call {

do c maaf, Guild saat ini penuh



automacro join {

pubm /join/i

exclusive 1

macro_delay 0

call {

$namaPlayer = $.lastMatch3

$id = $.lastMatch4

$jobID = @eval ($::players{$::playersID[$id]}->{jobID})

if ($jobID = 4060) goto undang

if ($jobID = 4061) goto undang

if ($jobID = 4062) goto undang

if ($jobID = 4063) goto undang

if ($jobID = 4064) goto undang

if ($jobID = 4065) goto undang

if ($jobID = 4073) goto undang

if ($jobID = 4074) goto undang

if ($jobID = 4075) goto undang

if ($jobID = 4076) goto undang

if ($jobID = 4077) goto undang

if ($jobID = 4078) goto undang

if ($jobID = 4079) goto undang

if ($jobID = 4081) goto undang

if ($jobID = 4083) goto undang

if ($jobID = 4085) goto undang

if ($jobID = 4087) goto undang

if ($jobID = 4096) goto undang

if ($jobID = 4097) goto undang

if ($jobID = 4098) goto undang

if ($jobID = 4099) goto undang

if ($jobID = 4100) goto undang

if ($jobID = 4101) goto undang

if ($jobID = 4102) goto undang

if ($jobID = 4103) goto undang

if ($jobID = 4104) goto undang

if ($jobID = 4105) goto undang

if ($jobID = 4106) goto undang

if ($jobID = 4107) goto undang

if ($jobID = 4108) goto undang

if ($jobID = 4109) goto undang

if ($jobID = 4110) goto undang

if ($jobID = 4111) goto undang

if ($jobID = 4112) goto undang

goto bukan


do c maaf, job dan level anda tidak memenuhi syarat



do guild request $namaPlayer



Macro auto invite guild

#kalau pemicunya dari pembicaraan di umum? ya tinggal ganti guild jadi pubm dan $.lastguild jadi $.lastpub

#kalau pemicunya dari whisper? ya tinggal ganti guild jadi pm dan $.lastguild jadi $.lastpm

automacro grup {

guild /grup/

exclusive 1

run-once 1

call {

do party request $.lastguild

release grup


Macro rough elunium oridecon via npc autostorage

#1. yang dimerahin = sesuaikan seleramu
#2. jangan lupa di config.txt atur bagian autostorage:

storageAuto 1

storageAuto_npc payon 171 226 #kafra payon atas

storageAuto_distance 12

storageAuto_npc_type 1

storageAuto_npc_steps c r1 n

storageAuto_password 0000 #sesuaikan password storagemu

storageAuto_keepOpen 0


relogAfterStorage 0

minStorageZeny 50

getAuto Rough Elunium {

minAmount 1

maxAmount 100 #sesuaikan dengan berat karaktermu



#3. bila ingin mengubah rough oridecon cukup mengganti semua kata Elunium dengan Oridecon

automacro ubahjadielu {

location payon 141 181

inventory "Rough Elunium" > 4

run-once 1

call {

do talk 1

pause 2

do talk resp 1

pause 1.5

release all



automacro balik {

location not payon 141 181

inventory "Rough Elunium" > 4

run-once 1

call {

do move payon 141 181

pause 5

release balik



Macro eluminum oridecon from rough via npv

#1. yang dimerahin = sesuaikan seleramu
#2. bila ingin mengubah rough oridecon cukup mengganti semua kata Elunium dengan Oridecon

automacro ubahjadielu {

location payon 141 181

inventory "Rough Elunium" > 4

run-once 1

call {

do talk 1

pause 2

do talk resp 1

pause 1.5

release all



automacro ambilroughtaruhelu {

location payon 141 181

inventory "Rough Elunium" < 4

cart "Rough Elunium" > 4

run-once 1

call {

do cart get rough elunium 100

pause 1

do cart add elunium

release all



automacro abis {

location payon 141 181

inventory "Rough Elunium" < 4

cart "Rough Elunium" < 4

run-once 1

call {

do quit



Macro great narute to green live

macro divider {

do talk 0

pause 3

do talk resp 1

pause 2

do talk resp 0

pause 1

do talk num 10

pause 1

do talk num 6

pause 1

do cart get @cart(Great Nature) 10

do cart add @inventory(Green Live) 60

call divider


macro umstore {

do move 29 71

pause 3

do move umbala 97 154


macro return {

do move umbala 219 189


automacro StoreGL {

location umbala 97 154

timeout 60

delay 2

call {

do talk 4

pause 2

do talk resp 0

pause 2

do storage add @inventory(Green Live)

pause 1

do cart get @cart(Green Live) 650

pause 1

do storage add @inventory(Green Live)

pause 1

do cart get @cart(Green Live)

pause 1

do storage add @inventory(Green Live)

pause 1

do storage get @storage(Great Nature) 220

pause 1

do cart add @inventory(Great Nature) 220

pause 1

do storage get @storage(Great Nature) 10

pause 1

do storage close

pause 2

call return



automacro CallD {

location um_in

console /NPC Exist/

timeout 20

delay 2

call divider


automacro CallUS {

console /Cart Item Great Nature/

location um_in

inventory "Great Nature" < 2

inventory "Green Live" > 500

timeout 20

delay 2

call umstore


Macro tempa npc - refine equip npc

macro nempa {

$bahan = Shield [1]

# Ganti Dengan dibawah ini apabila bukan nempa armor

# Shield : $step = c r2 c r0 c n

# Jubah : $step = c r4 c r0 c n

# Alas Kaki : $step = c c r5 r0 c n

# Headgear : $step = c c r8 r0 c n

$step = c r4 c r0 c n

# Ganti Dengan dibawah ini apabila bukan nempa armor

# Shield : $step2 = c r2 c r0 c c r0 c n

# Jubah : $step2 = c r4 c r0 c c r0 c n

# Alas Kaki : $step2 = c r5 c r0 c c r0 c n

# Headgear : $step2 = c r8 c r0 c c r0 c n

$step2 = c r2 c r0 c c r0 c n

do conf autoTalkCont 0

do move 60 64

do sit


$doom = @inventory($bahan)

if ($doom == -1) goto six

if (@inventory(Elunium) == -1) goto exit

do eq @inventory($bahan)

$i = 0

while ($i < 4) as begin

do talknpc 63 60 $step


end begin

pause 15

do talknpc 63 60 $step2

goto five


if (@inventory(+5 $bahan) == -1) goto eight

if (@inventory(Elunium) == -1) goto exit

pause 90

do eq @inventory(+5 $bahan)

do talknpc 63 60 $step2

goto six


if (@inventory(+6 $bahan) == -1) goto eight

if (@inventory(Elunium) == -1) goto exit

pause 270

do eq @inventory(+6 $bahan)

do talknpc 63 60 $step2

goto seven


if (@inventory(+7 $bahan) == -1) goto exit

if (@inventory(Elunium) == -1) goto exit

pause 810

do eq @inventory(+7 $bahan)

do talknpc 63 60 $step2

goto eight


do conf autoTalkCont 1

log -- Refine Macro End --


Macro whisper

#1. yang dimerahin = sesuaikan seleramu
#2. tidak bisa deteksi nickname berkutip ( ' dan " ) dan bergaris miring ( / )

automacro info {

pm /info/

call {

do pm "$.lastpm" ketik job karaktermu ^O^

release all



automacro AB {

pm /AB|ab/

call {

do pm "$.lastpm" 100 WSP, 100 Strawberry, 100 Blue Gems

release all



Macro coating bottle dll

macro release {

pause 0.5

release create


automacro store {

inventory "Medicine Bowl" = 0

call kafra

run-once 1

exclusive 1

delay 2


macro kafra {

do talknpc 120 62 c r1 c

pause 1

do storage add Glistening Coat

pause 1

do storage get Medicine Bowl 550

pause 1

do storage get Heart Of Mermaid 550

pause 1

do storage get Zenorc's Fang 550

pause 1

do storage get Empty Bottle 550

pause 1

do storage get Alcohol 550

pause 1

do storage close

call release


Macro Pharmacy Acid Bottle dll

#yang dimerahin = sesuaikan keinginan, misal mau pharmacy Fire Bottle dll

##### Red Potion = 8E 01 F5 01 00 00 00 00 00 00

##### Yellow Potion = 8E 01 F7 01 00 00 00 00 00 00

##### White Potion = 8E 01 F8 01 00 00 00 00 00 00

##### Blue Potion = 8E 01 F9 01 00 00 00 00 00 00

##### Adonyne = 8E 01 5D 02 00 00 00 00 00 00

##### Aloevera = 8E 01 5E 02 00 00 00 00 00 00

##### Red Slim = 8E 01 21 02 00 00 00 00 00 00

##### Yellow Slim = 8E 01 22 02 00 00 00 00 00 00

##### White Slim = 8E 01 23 02 00 00 00 00 00 00

##### Alcohol = 8E 01 CA 03 00 00 00 00 00 00

##### Fire Bottle = 8E 01 DF 1B 00 00 00 00 00 00

##### Acid Bottle = 8E 01 E0 1B 00 00 00 00 00 00

##### Plant Bottle = 8E 01 E1 1B 00 00 00 00 00 00

##### Mine Bottle = 8E 01 E2 1B 00 00 00 00 00 00

##### Coating Wax = 8E 01 E3 1B 00 00 00 00 00 00

automacro brew {

run-once 1

sp > 15 %

map prontera

call {


log jumlah Medicine Bow = @invamount (Medicine Bow)

log jumlah Empty Bottle = @invamount (Empty Bottle)

log jumlah Immortal Heart = @invamount (Immortal Heart)

if (@invamount (Medicine Bowl) = 0) goto storage

if (@invamount (Empty Bottle) = 0) goto storage

if (@invamount (Immortal Heart) = 0) goto storage

if (@invamount (Medicine Bowl) > 0) goto jalan

if (@invamount (Empty Bottle) > 0) goto jalan

if (@invamount (Immortal Heart) > 0) goto jalan

goto end


do move prontera 37 199

do talknpc 29 207 c r1 n

pause 3

do storage get @storage(Medicine Bowl) 100

pause 3

do storage get @storage(Immortal Heart) 100

pause 3

do storage get @storage(Empty Bottle) 100

pause 3

do storage add @inventory(Acid Bottle)

do storage close

goto jalan


do ss 228

do send 8E 01 E0 1B 00 00 00 00 00 00

pause 0.5

goto cek




Macro Paket Soullink

#1. isi paket adalah kaite, kaizel, kaupe, kaahi
#2. berikan 1 baris di paling atas (enter)
#3. format notepad harus UTF-8
#4. karakter dengan macro ini harus dalam status aktif spirit
#5. jika mau ganti emotion bendera dengan emotion /lv maka ganti \*Flag\s\d\* dengan *Heart*

automacro pkt {

console /\[(jarak|dist)=(.*)\] (.*) \((\d+)\): (\*Flag\s\d\*|sl)$/

exclusive 1

run-once 1

call {

$distance = $.lastMatch2

$namaPlayer = $.lastMatch3

$playerID = $.lastMatch4

$playerguild = @eval (exists $::players{$::playersID[$playerID]}->{guild} ? $::players{$::playersID[$playerID]}->{guild}{name} : 'null')

$guild1 = namaGuildmu

$guild2 = namaGuildmu

if ($playerguild == $guild1) goto oke

if ($playerguild == $guild2) goto oke


do sp 462 $playerID

pause 1.5

do sp 463 $playerID

pause 1.5

do sp 464 $playerID

pause 1

do sp 465 $playerID

pause 1

release pkt



Macro priest dengan emo atau bendera

#1. isi paket adalah blessing, agi, sacrament, kyrie
#2. berikan 1 baris di paling atas (enter)
#3. format notepad harus UTF-8
#4. jika mau ganti emotion bendera dengan emotion /swt maka ganti \*Flag\s\d\* dengan *Sweat*
#5. daftar emotion bisa dilihat di tables -> emotions.txt

automacro pkt {

console /\[(jarak|dist)=(.*)\] (.*) \((\d+)\): (\*Flag\s\d\*|paket)$/

exclusive 1

run-once 1

call {

$distance = $.lastMatch2

$namaPlayer = $.lastMatch3

$playerID = $.lastMatch4

$playerguild = @eval (exists $::players{$::playersID[$playerID]}->{guild} ? $::players{$::playersID[$playerID]}->{guild}{name} : 'null')

$guild1 = namaGuildmu

$guild2 = namaGuildmu

if ($playerguild == $guild1) goto oke

if ($playerguild == $guild2) goto oke


do sp 34 $playerID

do sp 29 $playerID

pause 1.5

do sp 2515 $playerID

pause 1.5

do sp 73 $playerID

release pkt



Macro paket priest

#1. yang dimerahin = sesuaikan seleramu
#2. isi paket adalah blessing, agi, sacrament, kyrie
#3. urutkan skill dari yang memiliki delay after terendah dan dipadukan dengan pause agar tidak terlewat

automacro pkt {

pubm /paket/

exclusive 1

run-once 1

call {

do sp 34 $.lastpub

do sp 29 $.lastpub

pause 1.5

do sp 2515 $.lastpub

pause 1.5

do sp 73 $.lastpub

release pkt



Macro Reload hp/sp via inn

#1. yang dimerahin = sesuaikan seleramu
#2. lokasi di inn prontera kiri -> sp di bawah 95% -> istirahat

automacro inn {

map prt_in

sp < 95%

exclusive 1

call {

pause 4

do talk @npc(244 135)

pause 2

do talk resp 1

release inn



Macro Auto Repair Equip via NPC

#1. yang dimerahin = sesuaikan seleramu
#2. macro ini lokasinya di prontera
#3. lokasi prontera -> cek inventory -> ada tulisan BROKEN -> jalan ke gedung repair -> ada tulisan Hollgrehenn -> ke koordinat -> betulin equipment yang rusak

automacro i {

map prontera

run-once 1

call {

do i

release all



automacro rusak {

console /BROKEN/

run-once 1

call {

do move prontera 178 184

pause 5

release all



automacro benerin {

console /Hollgrehenn/

run-once 1

call {

do move 60 64

pause 4

release all



automacro benerinn {

location prt_in 60 64

run-once 1

call {

do talk @npc(63 54)

pause 3

do talk resp 0

pause 3

do talk resp 0

pause 3

do quit

release all



Macro Disconnect per periode:

automacro dcTime {

timeout 900

delay 7

exclusive 1

call {

do relog



Macro Disconnect Warper

automacro lain {

location not namaMap

run-once 1

call {

do relog 9999999999

release lain



Macro disconnect MVP

#yang dimerahin = sesuaikan seleramu

automacro MVP {

monster Acidus,Amon Ra,Arc Angeling,Archangeling,Archdam,Archer Guardian,Armeyer Dinze,Armaia,Assassin Cross Eremes,Assaulter,Banshee,Baphomet,Baphomet Jr.,Atroce,Bacsojin,White Lady,Beelzebub,Bloody Butterfly,Bow Guardian,Bow Master,Byorgue,Carat,Chepet,Chimera,Chung E,Galion,Green Maiden,Civil Servant,Mao Guai,Creamy Fear,Dark Illusion,Dark Lord,Dark Snake Lord,Evil Snake Lord,Deathword,Death Word,Deleter,Detale,Detarderous,Deviling,Diabolic,Dimik,Drake,Doppelganger,  Dracula,Dragon Fly,Erend,Errende Ebecee,Taoist Hermit,Executioner,Eddga,Elder,Eremes,Eremes Guile,Frus,Flame Skull,Freezer,Fallen Bishop,Fallen Bishop Hibram,Ferus,Gazeti,Gemini-S58,Garm,Garm Baby,Goblin Leader,Gloom Under Night,Harword,Howard Alt-Eisen,Hatii,Hatii Baby,Hell Fly,Gopinich,Grizzly,Gryphon,High Wizard Katrinn,High Wizard Kathryne,Hellion Revenant,High Priest Magaleta,High Priest Margaretha,Ifrit,Imp,Incantation Samurai,Samurai Specter,Incarnation of Morroc,Hydro,Hydrolancer,Katrinn,Kathryne Keyron,Kavac,Kavach Icarus,Kiel,Kiehl,Kiel D-01,Killer Mantis,Knight Guardian,Knight of Abyss,Abysmal Knight,Knight of Windstorm,Stormy Knight,Ktullanux,Lady Tanee,Li Me Mang Ryang,Jing Guai,Lord Knight Seyren,Lord of Death,Lord of the Dead,Magaleta,Margaretha Sorin,Majoruros,Maya,Maya Purple,Mistress,Moonlight Flower,Mutant Dragon,Mutant Dragonoid,Mysteltainn,Necromancer,Orc Hero,Orc Lord,Orc Sniper,Osiris,Panzer Goblin,Pharaoh,Phendark,Phreeoni,Plasma,Rawrel,Laurell Weinder,Removal,Remover,RSX 0806,RSX-0806,Sea Otter,Seyren,Seyren Windsor,Shecil,Cecil Damon,Shecil Damon,Shinobi,Skeggiold,Skogul,Sniper Shecil,Sniper Cecil,Snowier,Solace,Lady Solace,Soldier Guardian,Sword Guardian,Sword Master,Tao Gunka,Thanatos,Memory of Thanatos,Thanatos Maero,Maero of Thanatos,Thanatos Despero,Despero of Thanatos,Thanatos Odium,Odium of Thanatos,Thanatos Dolor,Dolor of Thanatos,Golden Thief Bug,Tirfing,Ogretooth,Valkyrie Randgris,Venatu,Vesper,Valkyrie,Turtle General,Whitesmith Harword,Mastersmith Howard,Whikebain,Ygnizem,Egnigem Cenia

status not dead

call disconnect

run-once 0

exclusive 1


macro disconnect {

do relog 1200


Macro Auto Skill Joker / Wanderer

#1. yang dimerahin = sesuaikan seleramu
#2. bisa menggunakan sl atau ss
#3. 330 adalah kode skill Service for You
#4. tiap 60 detik akan menggunakan Service for You

automacro skillJokerWanderer {

map payon

call {

pause 1

do sl 330 170 110

#kalau menggunakan ss: ss 330

pause 1


timeout 60


Macro Auto Trans

#1. yang dimerahin = sesuaikan seleramu
#2. berat karakter lebih dari 49% dan berada di prontera -> ajak transaksi ke nickname -> mengajukan white pot -> transaksi selesai

automacro deal {

weight > 49%

map prontera

run-once 1

call {

do deal @player (nicknameYangDituju)

do deal add @inventory(White Potion)

pause 1

do deal

pause 3

do deal

rellease all



Macro Auto Beli HP Pill and SP pill

#1. tentunya keadaan id harus premium service dan ada zeny
#2. maksimal 1x pembelian hp dan sp pill maka harus buka storage terus menerus

automacro hpSpPill {

map payon

run-once 1

call b


macro b {

do autostorage

pause 1

do talknpc 178 110 c c r0 c r1 n

pause 1

do talknpc 178 110 c c r0 c r2 n

pause 1

release hpSpPill


Macro Auto Beli Arrow

macro beli {
$awal = $.pos
do move payon_in01 11 126
do talk 0
do store
do buy 0 30000

automacro BuatQuiver {
inventory "Arrow" > 500
call Quiver
run-once 1

macro Quiver {
do move 11 126 payon_in01
do talknpc 5 134 r0 r0 r0
release BuatQuiver