Sunday, January 19, 2014

Macro priest dengan emo atau bendera

#1. isi paket adalah blessing, agi, sacrament, kyrie
#2. berikan 1 baris di paling atas (enter)
#3. format notepad harus UTF-8
#4. jika mau ganti emotion bendera dengan emotion /swt maka ganti \*Flag\s\d\* dengan *Sweat*
#5. daftar emotion bisa dilihat di tables -> emotions.txt

automacro pkt {

console /\[(jarak|dist)=(.*)\] (.*) \((\d+)\): (\*Flag\s\d\*|paket)$/

exclusive 1

run-once 1

call {

$distance = $.lastMatch2

$namaPlayer = $.lastMatch3

$playerID = $.lastMatch4

$playerguild = @eval (exists $::players{$::playersID[$playerID]}->{guild} ? $::players{$::playersID[$playerID]}->{guild}{name} : 'null')

$guild1 = namaGuildmu

$guild2 = namaGuildmu

if ($playerguild == $guild1) goto oke

if ($playerguild == $guild2) goto oke


do sp 34 $playerID

do sp 29 $playerID

pause 1.5

do sp 2515 $playerID

pause 1.5

do sp 73 $playerID

release pkt



1 comment:

  1. how can i pay him back for his help that restored my broken home

    i'm Dena from Dallas,Texas.and I’m here to let you know that with what people say, it may seem impossible, but with what you believe…..NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE,.i m here to seek people's advice...please serious people should comment on this post,cos i have been attacked severally on this same post...Here is my husband left me and our daughter to live with another woman,i tried all i could to get him back but nothing worked,I read about PRINCE online who fix love problems and other problems like unemployment pregnant problems,bad luck,money problem,healing and many more,i decided to contact him,and he told me what to do to get my husband back,he told me my husband will return to me in 3 days and it happened the way he said..since then we have been happy together,everything is smooth between us now..I asked him what i can do to pay him back for his great work,he said i should give him what i feel like,I want you guys to advice me on what i can give him in return of his help to my family...Please serious advice only. you can text me +12144627851 if you have serious advice.or you can also write him on his personal email ( Visit him on his website] for any solution, and you will be grad you did.. thank you for your time.
